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Why are transport fares in Uganda hiked during the Christmas season?


It has become a norm in Uganda that transport charges are hiked every Christmas season. Though this practice is applauded by the transport operators who tend to make supernormal profits during the season, it leaves many passengers decrying it.

Unlike in some African countries like Rwanda where the method of payment for transport fares has been automated and the charges remain the same regardless of the season, Ugandans are still open to exploitation at the hands of this manual transport system.

In this season you find that transport charges to different destinations especially those upcountry double or triple the normal prices with passengers required to pay as high as Shs 100,000 from the normal price of Shs 40,000 for a trip from the capital Kampala to Bwindi in the southwest of the country. Fares always start rising a week before Christmas with each day that passes seeeing an increment from the previous day’s charges.

Although the affected people have tried to raise their voices over too much exploitation by the transport operators, such voices have fallen on deaf ears as the operators have also come out to justify their reasons for hiking the transport fares.

The reasons put forward by transport operators in Uganda for hiking transport fares during Christmas season include the following;

Surge in the number of upcountry travelers in the Christmas season

It is always a norm among Ugandans who are city dwellers to travel back to their villages during Christmas to spend the holiday with their loved ones. Therefore, those in the transport business see this as a mega opportunity to hike the charges due to the high demand for transport services available. Like in any other businesses where prices tend to go up whenever the demand increases, transport operators also explain that they find themselves with no option than to raise the charges in order to gain in this peak season.

Rising cost of operations incurred by transport operators

Transport operators like bus companies argue that the Transport Licensing Board under the Transport and Works Ministry has instructed them not to use the same drivers for return journeys. This means that a driver is only allowed to take a one-way journey while the return journey should be made by another driver. This increases the operations cost for the companies since they have to hire more drivers. Buses also make increased journeys during the Christmas season due to presence of many passengers going to further destinations and this calls for more servicing of the buses hence increased cost.

Returning near-empty vehicles to Kampala

Bus and taxi operators also argue that during the Christmas season, they rarely find any travelers returning to Kampala. Most of the travelers tend to stay in their villages for at least a week while spending time with their relatives and friends before returning to the city to commence with their businesses. This means that such vehicles always return half empty and therefore the increment helps them to cater for the losses incurred in those return journeys.

What could be the way forward?

Public transport users in Uganda have always cried out to the government to adopt a transport system that prevents transport operators from changing transport fares anytime they want to do so referring to a system used in the neighboring countries like Rwanda. In Rwanda, passengers pay for their transport fares electronically using automated machines installed in each vehicle and the charges remain the same regardless of the season. Such a system is yet to be installed in Uganda and it appears the passengers will warmly welcome it once brought into the country.

Bus companies have also been encouraged to copy their counterparts who decided not to change their transport charges during the Christmas season and do the same.

Where to go for a Christmas holiday in Uganda


Uganda has got several places where you can go and have maximum satisfaction as you enjoy your Christmas and new year holiday.

There is nothing that beats the experience of spending your Christmas holiday in a place free from the routine town noise and congestion while offering you some of nature’s most beautiful views that will last for a lifetime in your memory from your Uganda safari.

Come on, shake off that stress and frustration that you have accumulated for the whole year and let your mind relax as you experience the best nature has to offer in one of these holiday destinations. All these places have a variety of decent accommodation facilities and you are free to choose one that fits your budget.

Lake Mburo National Park

The park is named after Lake Mburo that covers 20 percent of its surface with water and this means an opportunity for you to enjoy exciting activities like swimming, boat rides, and spot fishing.

The vast flat and hilly landscape of the park makes it a unique destination for safari activities like hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. A 2-3-day wildlife safari in Lake Mburo would be so perfect for you to experience a true African wilderness.
Some of the most commonly seen animals in this savanna park include giraffes and zebras that always roam around the par.

Kidepo Valley National Park

Though the remotest among all Uganda’s national park, Kidepo Valley National Park is full of amazing wildlife and cultural experiences.

Unlike other parks, the isolation of Kidepo makes it free from any form of congestion of visitors hence allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted game viewing and game drives. Meet hundreds of animal and bird species in this beautiful savanna park ranging from big game like elephant, lion, zebra, giraffe, and buffalo to small ones like leopard tortoise and several antelope species.

Experience a unique cultural touch in Kidepo as you meet and interact with two amazing communities of people from indigenous tribes of the IK and the Karamojong. You will discover the shocking details of their cultural diversity that features their tenacious dance, marriage rituals, their amazing craftwork and local activities.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi is the favorite destination for most of the tourists who come to Uganda because of the presence of mountain gorillas hence attracting gorilla trekking safaris in the park. Unlike foreign tourists who are charged $600 per person for gorilla trekking, Ugandans and other East African citizens are only charged Shs250,000 per person for the activity and this should be a great incentive for them to go and enjoy one of the best wildlife experiences in the world. One of the factors that make mountain gorillas unique from other animals and attractive to tourists is the fact that they share about 98 percent of the human DNA. Though fearsome due to their large size and tough looks, gorillas are very calm and gentle animals in their nature and the incredible work of gorilla habituation has made them very friendly and receptive to human beings.

In addition to mountain gorillas, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has also got other wildlife species including over 350 species of birds and large mammals like forest elephants that can be seen in the park.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park in Western Uganda is the second-largest wildlife reserve in the country. The park is a gem for wildlife and it’s a one-stop center majority of the wildlife species in Uganda.

Some of the most exciting activities in Queen Elizabeth National Park include game drive where you can see big game like elephants, buffalos, zebras, giraffe, leopard and the breathtaking tree-climbing lions plus a variety of antelope species. After retiring from game drives, you relax your mind with a boat cruise along Kazinga channel where also see several water species like hippos, water birds, and elephants that always relax at the shores of the channel.

Kibale Forest National Park

For the purpose of exploiting a variety wildlife species in Uganda, a visit to Kibale is also recommended, a park that is referred to as the primates’ capital of the world. Chimpanzees are the most pronounced primates in Kibale Forest National Park and the park is second to none in terms of the primates’ numbers.

Source of the Nile at Jinja

Away from enjoying wildlife experiences, another thrilling and breathtaking experience awaits in water excursions at the source of the Nile in Jinja. The Nile is the longest River in the world at it has got its source here at Jinja, the capital city of eastern Uganda.

Some of the major attractions at Jinja include the newly commissioned Nile bridge where several travelers have been seen enjoying taking selfies while chilling above the Nile waters. Fun gets intense at the source of the Nile waters with activities like swimming, sailing, boat riding while white-water-rafting is the ultimate activity for more brave souls

Click here to inquire more about Uganda safaris

Museveni leads anti-corruption walk in Kampala


President Yoweri Museveni has this morning led thousands of Ugandans in the walk against corruption in the capital city Kampala. The anti-corruption walk is under the theme “A corruption-free Uganda; It stars with me”.

The President and other participants have walked a distance of about 4km from Constitutional Square in the city center to Kololo Independence Grounds.

Among other high profile walkers included Cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament led by Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and her deputy Jacob Oulanyah, religious leaders, members of the civil society and members from the public also joined the walk.

The anti-corruption walk is part of Uganda’s participation in the anti-corruption week that is recognized globally under the theme “Promoting accountability for national development”.

President Museveni decided to lead the anti-corruption walk to highlight the efforts made towards eliminating the vice and he is also expected to address the masses about the topic of zero tolerance to corruption.

Other officials who are also expected to address the public about the theme include Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga and Chief Justice Bart Katureebe on behalf of the judiciary.

Meanwhile, the anti-corruption walk in the city center paralyzed traffic flow in the other parts of the city especially along busy roads entering the city center like Entebbe road. Motorists especially those of public transport were being stopped at least 3km away from the city center by traffic police in order not to interrupt the walk. From here passengers were forced either to walk the remaining distance to the city center or use motorcycles at a fee.

This sparked anger among the passengers who accused the government of failing to fight corruption among its own officials and rather resort to a symbolic walk that carry less significance in the fight against the vice.

How does Uganda rank globally in terms of corruption?

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) that is published annually by Transparency International ranked Uganda as the 149 least corrupt nation out of 180 ranked countries in 2018. The Corruption Perception Index ranks counties every year according to perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessment and opinion surveys.

Why is corruption so rampant in Uganda?

Much of the corruption in Uganda has been blamed on the weakness of the government to fight it and educate the masses against. The government is blamed for failure to put up strong laws that can help to control the vice, consequently allowing several government officials and other public servants who have gone on to exploit these weak laws and embezzle government funds making the country to lose millions of dollars through the vice.

Who are the culprits of corruption in Uganda?

Several reports on corruption in Uganda have been published indicating the leading government institutions and agencies where corruption is so common. The Uganda Police has always been mentioned as the leading government institution that is so much associated with corruption, while others include government hospitals, government agencies and public offices. However, members of the general public have also been infested by the corruption virus hence the vice being present in the day-to-day general public activities

What is the government doing to fight corruption in Uganda?

Much as the vice of corruption has been heavily blamed on the government, the same has tried to set up several institutions to help and curb corruption. These include the office of the Inspector General of Government (IGG), the anti-corruption commission, among others. The Public Accounts Committee was also set up in parliament responsible to demand accountability of public funds that are spent by government officials and institutions. Several government officials who have been indicted of corruption cases have also been given sentences and other penalties including jail and suspension from their offices. The government is also proposing setting up CCTV cameras in public offices to spy on those who may be tempted into bribery in such offices.

Is it possible for Uganda to overcome corruption?

Well, this remains a long term question that will rumble on among Ugandans though many believe that until the government does enough to combat this vice, it will remain haunting the country. Several strong measures that have been suggested for the government to adopt in the fight of corruption include amending more strict laws against corruption, giving harsh punishments to those that have been convicted of corruption including confiscating their property and giving them long jail terms, among others. The government has been encouraged to enroll teaching children at different levels of education about the dangers of corruption while other government institutions like the police have also been advised against the vice.

Uganda’s Joshua Cheptegei breaks 10km road world record in Spain


The 10,000m world champion Joshua Cheptegei has broken another record of 10km marathon in Valencia, Spain after setting a new time of 26 minutes and 38 seconds.

The 23-year-old Ugandan reached this milestone after surpassing the previous record that was by Kenya’s Leonard Komon in 2010 by six seconds.

In October, Cheptegei was crowned 10,000 meters’ world champion in Doha, Qatar and this came in addition to the 10km cross country world title that he had won in Denmark in March.

Cheptegei is increasingly distinguishing himself as a record breaker having broken the 15km road world record in 2018 after running for 41 minutes five seconds in Nijmegen, Netherlands.

From the start, Cheptegei looked that he was headed for the record running at an average pace of two minutes and 40 seconds per kilometer and this saw him pass through 5km in just 13 minutes 24 seconds.

Cheptegei expressed his joy after learning that he had set a new world record. “What a year it has been, I knew that Valencia was going to be a really fast course, one of the fastest in the world. So to get to achieve what we came here for is something really special. This year has made me so happy,” he said.

“World Cross Championship in Denmark, 10,000m world champion in Doha and now the world record here in Valencia,” he added.

Who is Natalie Brown, the incoming United States Ambassador to Uganda?


Natalie E. Brown is the incoming United States Ambassador to Uganda who will be replacing Deborah Ruth Malac the outgoing ambassador who has been working at the mission since November 2015.

According to the U.S Department of State, Ms. Brown is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Counselor.

Before her appointment in Uganda, Ms. Brown served as the Chief of Mission of the U.S Embassy in Asmara, Eritrea since 2016. Before this, she served as Deputy Permanent Representative and Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S Mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rom, Italy between 2013 and 2016.

From 2010 to 2013, Ms. Brown worked as Deputy Chief of Mission of U.S Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia where she witnessed the Tunisia Revolution, an intense 28-day uprising against the government over corruption, social inequality, and employment that eventually led t the ousting of former president Ben Ali in January 2011 who had ruled the north African country for 22 years.

In a statement that listed Ms. Brown’s demonstrated competence for her nomination as the U.S ambassador to Uganda, the Department wrote, “In a career that has spanned almost three decades, she has garnered experience in both bilateral and multilateral diplomacy with a strong focus on Africa. That experience coupled with her distinguished record of leadership, make her an excellent candidate to serve as U.S Ambassador to the Republic of Uganda.”

Earlier Career

Ms. Brown’s earlier saw her take on several roles in the Middle East including serving as the Economic Counselor of the U.S Embassy in Amman, Jordan and as the Political Chief of the U.S Embassy in Kuwait.

While in Washington, she served as a Senior Watch Officer in the State Department Executive Secretariat’s Operations Center and as an International Affairs Officer in the Office of the UN Political Affairs in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs.

Ms. Brown’s experience in Africa does not stop in Tunisia, she had previously worked as the State Department’s Desk Office for Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger in the Office of West African Affairs. Other assignments in Africa included the one in the U.S Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and the U.S Embassy in Guinea Conakry.

Education background

Ms. Brown graduated with a B.S from the Georgetown University of Foreign Service, Washington, D.C. in 1988. She obtained her M.S from the U.S Marine Corps Command and Staff College in Quantico, VA, in 1999. She has received various State Department awards for her performance. Ms. Brown is a capable linguistic who speaks several international languages in addition to English including French, Arabic, Italian, German, Amharic, and Tigrinya.

Ms. Brown is described as a resilient crisis manager who possess vast experiences in various disciplines after working in different parts of the world. Brown talked about her versatility in Women in Foreign Policy, “I’ve done a little bit of everything, from ordering supplies for the embassy to managing assistance funds. I’ve spent the past three decades on food security issues with the UN agencies charged with increasing agriculture production and reducing hunger,” said Brown.

Bobi Wine on the 2019 ‘TIME 100 Next’ list of influential people


Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine has made to this year’s ‘TIME 100 Next’ list of the most influential people in the world.

The platform ‘TIME 100 Next’ is a new list, part of an ongoing expansion of the flagship “TIME 100 franchise’- that carries out annual highlights 0f 100 global rising stars shaping the future of business, politics, entertainment, sports, health, science, and more.

Bobi Wine was listed under the category of ‘phenoms’ together with 16 others as individuals who have managed to achieve a lot in a short period of time.

The musician-turned politician was mostly for among others his revolutionary approach to the politics of Uganda especially after declaring that he will challenge President Museveni in the upcoming 2021 presidential election. That has been viewed as a bold step considering that the legislator just joined the political field just two years ago after winning a parliamentary bye-election.

In their statement regarding Bobi Wine’s inclusion in the list, ‘TIME 100 Next’ wrote;

“Ugandan pop star Bobi Wine spent his career singing about social injustice. In 2017, he decided to take things a step further by r unning for, and winning, a seat in parliament. Now the 37-yeal-old singer, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, has set his sight higher, announcing in July that he will take on President Yoweri Museveni, who has ruled for the past 33 years through a combination of deft politics, questionable election practices and constitutional manipulation. “Eighty percent of our population is under the age of 35,” Wine says. “They deserve a leader who works for the future of Uganda, not for himself.” Wine’s growing popularity amounts to peril. He has been jailed, beaten, and charged with treason – proof, he says, that the President is running scared well in advance of the 2021 election and that change is on the way.”

In response to his listing, Bobi Wine said that it was humbling in a tweet, “this is exceedingly humbling. Dedicating this recognition to the young people of Uganda, especially the ghetto youth. May this be a reminder & encouragement that you’re not what your detractors say you are. You are what you choose to be.” Said Bobi Wine.

Democratic Party President Nobert Mao also congratulate Bobi Wine in a tweet, he said, “Our very own Bobi Wine has made it to the list of “TIME 100’. He’s in the category of “phenoms” ie. People who achieve a lot very quickly. Congratulations.”

Kenyan filmmaker Wauri Kahiu (artists) and South Sudan’s Model Adut Akech (advocates) are the other East Africans who made it to list in their corresponding categories.

Uganda Passport: Everything you need to know about the International East African e-Passport


In January 2019, Uganda adopted the use of the new passport known as the International East African e-Passport. The new passport replaced the old East African and International Machine-Readable Passport.

The East African e-Passport was launched by the East African heads of state in March 2016 during the 17th Ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State in Arusha, Tanzania where they also directed the commencement of its issuance.

Earlier issuance

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the issuance of the International EAC e-Passport commenced even earlier in December 2018 with the initial issuance to those applications that were submitted under the old passport dispensation.

Ugandans who had submitted their applications before the commencement date were required to pay a top up fee of UGX 100,000 so as to make the required UGX 250,000 in order to obtain the e-passport. The ministry said that the top up requirement was not applicable to applications that were submitted under the Express Service.

By the end of January 2019, the full commissioning of the centralized passport system was expected to have taken place according to the ministry and the new passport enrolment and delivery system rolled out at local regional centers and Uganda Missions abroad in a phased manner.

Categories of the e-Passport

The new e-Passport is presented in 3 different colors each representing a different category and these include sky blue for ordinary passport, green for service passport, and red for the diplomatic passport.

Important Features of the e-Passport

The International EAC e-Passport is embedded with an electronic chip which contains biodata and biometric information of the holder. The passport also has significant features of national importance including the Coat of Arms, the Crested Crane, the Mountain Gorilla, the Independence Monument, Murchison Falls, and a Fisherman.

Advantages of the e-Passport

Among the advantages of the e-Passport include

Using e-gates for self-clearance
Automated issuance of boarding passes
Quick passenger processing worldwide, and
Compliance with international security standards

Fees structure for the e-Passport

The Ministry of Internal Affairs set the following fees structure for the e-Passport

Ordinary Passport (48 pages) at UGX 250,000

Service Passport (64 pages) at UGX 400,000

Diplomatic Passport (64 pages) at UGX 500,000

The following fees are also applicable as far as the e-Passport is concerned

Express Processing Service (UGX 150,000)

Courier service for applicants abroad (UGX 10,000)

Certification of passport (UGX 30,000)

Fine for replacement of lost or damaged passport (UGX 100,000)

Procedure for application

The Ministry provides the following procedure for the application for the e-Passport

• Dully filled application form
• Attach original and copy of the National ID of the recommender
• Attach original and copy of National ID or National Identification Number
• Attach copies of academic documents for proof of profession (where applicable)
• Attach proof of payment of prescribed fees
• Attach a copy of birth certificate, adoption order consent letter from parents/guardians in case of minors
• Attach other information that may be relevant to the application
• When the passport is ready, the applicant will be alerted to proceed and pick it up

Manual Application

Applicants are required to fill an application form providing all the necessary details and then proceeding to the bank to make payments before preceding to the nearest Passport Center to submit the application and undertake biometric enrolment. Applicants will be informed when their passports are ready so that they can pick from the place of enrolment.

Online Application

Applicants are required to follow the following procedure while applying for the e-Passport online

Fill out an online form which also acts as an assessment tool for the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
• Schedule an online interview with the passport office in any of these areas, (Kampala, Mbale, Mbarara, Gulu, and all Uganda Missions abroad) for purposes of enrolling applicant’s biometrics
• Print out the application form with the Payment Registration Number (PRN), and proceed to the bank to pay the passport fee
• Proceed to the enrollment center for the scheduled interview
• Internal processing of the applicant’s information takes place after the interview and a passport printed out for successful applicants
• Applicant is alerted when the passport is ready to proceed and pick it up
• Where the applicant is not successful, he or she shall still be issued a notice

All applicants are required to have a National Identification Number (NIN) issued by the National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA)

Phase-out the old passports

The Ministry of Internal Affairs designated a transitional period of two years to allow a gradual phase out of the old passport. The transitional period runs from the full commissioning date and after all Ugandans will be required to travel with the new International EAC e-Passport.

Ugandans with valid Machine-Readable Passports are allowed to use them for international travel until the end of the transitional period (January 2021). After the end of the transitional period, only the international e-Passport shall be valid for international travel.

KCCA redirects city traffic to new routes


Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has announced changes in the flow of traffic in the city center directing motorists to new diverse routes.

Motorists who use Entebbe road are the most affected with the new traffic changes with the taxis that use this road being relocated to Usafi Park from the Old Taxi Park.

KCCA has also suspended parking along Ben Kiwanuka and Burton streets meaning that both taxis and passengers who have been meeting here will also be heading to Usafi Taxi Park. The new traffic flow changes will commence this Friday according to KCCA.

Usafi Taxi Park is off-Entebbe Road, behind Usafi Market, about a kilometer from the city center and the Old Taxi Park

Among travelers who are affected include those going to Entebbe, Kawuku, Kajjansi, Zana, Namasuba, Kasenyi, Ndeeba-Swmbule, Kibuye, and Ndejje who will have to board and get off from Usafi Taxi Park hence walking for almost a kilometer from or to the city center.

This is not the first time KCCA has attempted to shift Entebbe Road taxis to Usafi Park, the first attempt failed when both passengers and the taxi operators refused to use the park, reciting criminals that the place is allegedly infested with as the main obstacle.

KCCA is planning to fill the vacuum left in the Old Taxi Park by the departing Entebbe Road taxis with those going to Ggaba and Makindye areas including Muyenga, Kasanga, Salama, and Buziga. Initially, these taxis have been parking along Ben Kiwanuka street as they call for passengers.

According to KCCA, the major reason behind the new traffic changes is to allow the Queensway Flyover Project to commence though the authority promised to make amendments where necessary in due course.

New traffic flow in the city center

According to the new plan, parking along the sides of Ben Kiwanuka Street up to Kyaggwe Road will no longer be allowed and the street will be turned into one-way. The street has been commonly used by traders especially those in Kikuubo market for wholesale businesses for loading and offloading merchandise.

Among the new changes, Burton Street between Ben Kiwanuka Street and Willian Street (initially one-way) has been opened to tow-way traffic for all motorists.

Like along Ben Kiwanuka Street, motorists will not be allowed to park on the roadside of Burton Street meaning that passengers going to Nakawa-Banda-Kireka-Mukono, and Port Bell-Luzira routes who have been finding their taxis here will have to boad and alight from the Old Taxi Park.

Buxton Street, connecting Sikh Road to Burton Street via Mega Standard Supermarket will now be one-way for motorists exiting the city to Entebbe side or all the way to Jinja Road.

The section of Sebaana Kizito Road (Nakivubo Place Road) between Namirembe Road and Nakivubo Mews has also been opened for two-way traffic to enable motorists from the Old Taxi Park connect to Kafumbe Mukasa Road and through to Ring Road.

A new road is also being constructed near Ham Tower to connect Sebaana Kizito Road to Kafumbe Mukasa Road.

Eliud Kipchoge breaks two-hour marathon barrier by 20 seconds


Kenya’s marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge has become the first athlete to run a marathon in under two hours after beating the mark by 20 seconds in Vienna, Australia.

Kipchoge, 34, ran the 42.2km (26.2 miles) in one hour 59 minutes 40 seconds in what was dubbed “Ineos 1:59 Challenge” in Vienna on Saturday.

After the marathon, Kipchoge said he felt so good to have managed to beat the barrier.

“I am feeling good. After Roger Bannister in 1954 it took another 63 years, I tried and I did not get it – 65 years, I am the first man – I want to inspire many people, that no human is limited.” Said Kipchoge.

Kipchoge record will not be recognized as the official marathon record since it was not in open competition while those who participated were just a team of rotating pacemakers.

His team of pacemakers dropped back towards the finishing line allowing Kipchoge to splint over the line making history on the home straight as he was being roared on by a large crowd.

In 2017, the Olympic champion missed out on setting his desired by just 25 seconds at the Italian Grand Prix circuit at Monza.

After crossing the finishing line, legged on around while celebrating with the crowd before embracing his wife Grace and kids. He grabbed the Kenya flag before he was mobbed by his pacemakers who included many world’s best middle and long-distance runners.

The four-time London Marathon winner was so proud to have made history and contributed to the beauty of the sport.

“This shows the positivity of sport. I want to make it clean and interesting sport. Together when we run, we can make it a beautiful world”. Said the Kenyan.

At halfway in the marathon, Kipchoge was 10 seconds ahead of schedule and he appeared to slow a bit later before regaining his pace in the final stages.

Among his 42-member team of pacemakers included Olympic 1500m champion Matthew Centrowitz, Olympic 5000m silver medalist Paul Chelimo, among others.

“They are among the best athletes in the world – so thank you, I appreciate them for accepting this job, we did this one together”, Kipchoge applauded the pacemakers.

In the initial stages of the marathon, he received water and energy gels by bike from his coaches instead of having to pick them from a table as par the rules in the normal competition marathons. These aids are partly the reason why this feat will not be recognized as the official marathon record since they are not allowed under the rules of the IAAF, athletics’ world governing body.

Kipchoge is the current holder of the official marathon world record of 2:01:39, which he set in Berlin, Germany in 2018.

Ugandan siblings win East Africa’s Got Talent competition


Two siblings from Uganda, Esther and Ezekiel Mutesasira are the winners of the first edition of East Africa’s Got Talent competition.

Esther and Ezekiel, aged 14 and 11 respectively beat off competition from other 5 groups of finalists after performing ‘When you believe’, a rendition of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. The duo walks home with the winner’s cash prize of $50,000 (Shs184m).

Their performance impressed both the judges and fans who took to twitter to commend them using the hashtag #EAGTFinale.

The first edition of the contest drew completion from four regional countries including the hosts Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda.

The singing duo beat off competition from other three local rival groups from Uganda in the final including Comedic Dance Group, Dance Alliance Network, and Jehovah Shalom Acapella. The other finalists included Kenya’s Janella Tamara, and Spellcast and Rwanda’s Intayoberana Cultural Troup.

Among those impressed by the duo’s performance included the Uganda president Yoweri Museveni who took on twitter to congratulate the teenagers referring to then as ‘Bazukulu’ (grandchildren).

“My grandchildren have told me about our talented bazukulu Esther and Ezekiel, who have won an East African Talent completion this evening. I am told they are very good singers. I congratulate them”. The President wrote.

Popular opposition leader and Member of Parliament in Uganda, musician-turned politician Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine also congratulated the winners

“I’ve personally watched and followed the #EAGT show but in bits because of busy schedules and I must say I was impressed by Esther and Ezekiel. You outdid yourself and the win was indeed well deserved. You made Uganda proud”. Wrote Bobi Wine.

East Africa’s Got Talent is part of Got Talent franchise owned by English entertainment businessman Simon Cowell.

The show started with a bit of drama back in August when the Burundi government accused Rwanda of illegally playing Burundi’s famous traditional drums in the competition. It was alleged that the drums were played by Burundian refugees living in Rwanda who had taken part in the talent show.

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