UNEB releases 2022 UCE results


    The Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) has released the results of the 2022 Uganda Certificate of Education (O’Level). According to UNEB, male candidates performed better than their female counterparts in last year’s exams.

    Mr Dan Odongo, the Executive Director of UNEB said that a total of 345,695 candidates sat last year’s UCE and out of these,173,761 were male while 171,934 were female. 15.5% of the boys passed in division one while 11.5% of the girls passed in the same division. 23.3% of the boys passed in division two compared to 21% of the girls who passed in the same division.

    Regarding individual subjects, girls performed better than boys in English language while boys performed better in Chemistry.

    There was an increase of 16,063 (4.8%) in the number of students who sat the exams in 2022 (349,459) compared to 333,396 who sat in 2020. There were 3,703 centres around the country from which the candidates did their exams. 114,181 (32.7%) students were beneficiaries of the Universal Secondary Education (USE) program.

    Candidates who passed their examinations and qualified to join the advanced level, are expected to resume their studies later this month.